Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Health
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Health Of all the things that people take for granted, air would probably take the first prize. Despite the fact that without air, the life on the Earth would be impossible, the attitude towards air has been rather careless for considerably long time, which has led to a number of problems concerning air ecology in the present-day world. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Health specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the issues on the agenda is the quality of indoor air, the factors that influence it and the means to improve the indoor air quality, or IAQ. Because of a range of negative factors, both human-induced and natural, the average index of indoor air quality is rapidly decreasing, which can lead to a number of health issues and, therefore, requires certain actions. Although a home accommodation is not typically used as storage of toxic waste, there are still a lot of indoor factors that ma ke the IAQ worse. Among the most common pollutants, the ones that seem the most innocent or appear to be the least noticeable often take the first place. Outlining the key pollutants will bring one a step closer to understanding how to increase the IAQ. The first pollutant to mention is animal hair. Cluttering the room, it creates perfect environment for more dust and bacteria. Dust mites, which have already been mentioned, serve as the place for bacteria growth and are also classified as pollutants. Weirdly enough, food comes in a close second, mostly because its particles also clutter the area. Another source of air pollution at home, chemicals have a rather deplorable result on the state of the IAQ. While chemicals help cleaning the place, in a paradoxical way, they are also classified as strong allergens and, therefore, harm the indoor air considerably. However, banning chemicals from use as a means to clean home accommodation is not a way out either; according to the existing evidence, the pollen in carpets and upholstery that appear as a result of insufficient cleaning is also classified as an allergen and a factor that enhances IAQ deteriorate. Likewise, tobacco, or even second-hand smoke, contributes to making the IAQ even worse, since the particles of tobacco soar in the air, cluttering the lungs of the dwellers. Damp basements, in their turn, spur the growth of mould and can be related to as rather hazardous phenomenon. Finally, such issues as CO and CO2 production, as well as radon radiation that are emitted from some of the materials that buildings are constructed from, should be mentioned. Even though the hair-rising list of threats offered above is a fraction of the harsh reality, there are still some ways to handle the problem. First of all, the ecology of the environment must be improved; once the air is polluted outside, there is no way to make it cleaner inside the house. Then, certain methods of more efficient house cleaning must be adopte d. Finally, it is necessary to enhance the awareness about the home accommodation ecology among people (Plushke 242).Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Summary Unlike outdoor air quality, which is usually influenced largely by industries, large-scale air pollutants like plants and factories, and toxic waste, indoor air quality depends to a considerable extent on the attitude of the person who owns the apartment. Therefore, the awareness concerning the urban ecology and especially the ecology of home accommodations must be enhanced. Meanwhile, the environmental issues must also be considered when improving the IAQ. To be more exact, more trees, which produce oxygen, must be grown so that people could enjoy high IAQ. Plushke, Peter. Indoor Air Pollution. Vol. 4. New York, NY: Springer, 2004. Print.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Conjugate the Verb Dire in Italian
How to Conjugate the Verb Dire in Italian ââ¬Å"Direâ⬠is a verb youââ¬â¢re going to use a lot when telling stories (you know, the whole ââ¬Å"he said, she saidâ⬠bit), so itââ¬â¢s a great one to get comfortable with, and you can do using the examples and conjugation tables below. Some Definitions of ââ¬Å"direâ⬠To sayTo tellTo reciteTo speak What to Know About ââ¬Å"direâ⬠Itââ¬â¢s an irregular verb, so it doesnââ¬â¢t follow the typical -ire verb ending patternItââ¬â¢s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.The infinito is ââ¬Å"direâ⬠.The participio passato is ââ¬Å"dettoâ⬠.The gerund form is ââ¬Å"dicendoâ⬠.The past gerund form is ââ¬Å"avendo dettoâ⬠. INDICATIVO/INDICATIVE Il presente io dico noi diciamo tu dici voi dite lui, lei, Lei dice essi, Loro dicono Esempi: Dicono che il ristorante à ¨ chiuso. - They are saying that the restaurant is closed.Maria dice sempre la verit. - Maria always tells the truth. Il passato prossimo io ho detto noi abbiamo detto tu hai detto voi avete detto lui, lei, Lei ha detto essi, Loro hanno detto Esempi: E poi gli ho detto che lo amavo. - And then I told him that I loved him.I miei insegnanti non mi hanno detto che gli italiani parlavano cosà ¬ veloce. - My teachers did not tell me that Italians would speak so quickly. Lââ¬â¢imperfetto io dicevo noi dicevamo tu dicevi voi dicevate lui, lei, Lei diceva essi, Loro dicevano Esempi: Carlotta diceva che conosce un ragazzo che ti piacer. - Carlotta said that she knows a guy who youââ¬â¢ll like.Mi ricordo bene quello che dicevano. - I remember well what they used to say. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo detto noi avevamo detto tu avevi detto voi avevate detto lui, lei, Lei aveva detto essi, Loro avevano detto Esempi: Qualcuno mi aveva detto che Viterbo non era un posto interessante, invece à ¨ bellissimo. - Someone had told me that Viterbo wasnââ¬â¢t an interesting place, actually itââ¬â¢s beautiful.Durante lââ¬â¢esame pensavo spesso a quello che il professore aveva detto. - à During the examination I often thought about what the professor had said. Il passato remoto io dissi noi dicemmo tu dicesti voi diceste lui, lei, Lei disse essi, Loro dissero Esempi: Mi disse che voleva trasferirsi in Cina. - He told me that he wanted to move to China.Ci dissero che nostro nonno era un eroe. - They told us that our grandpa was a hero. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi detto noi avemmo detto tu avesti detto voi aveste detto lui, lei, Lei ebbe detto essi, Loro ebbero detto TIP: This tense is rarely used, so donââ¬â¢t worry too much about mastering it. Youââ¬â¢ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io dir noi diremo tu dirai voi direte lui, lei, Lei dir essi, Loro diranno Esempi: Ogni uomo italico vi dir la stessa cosa! à - Every Italian man will tell you the same thing.Sono sicura che ti dir di si! - Iââ¬â¢m sure sheââ¬â¢ll tell you yes! Il futuro anteriore io avr detto noi avremo detto tu avrai detto voi avrete detto lui, lei, Lei avr detto essi, Loro avranno detto Esempi: La tua guida ti avr detto della storia di questo palazzo, no? - Your guide must have told you about the history of this building, right?Mi avranno sicuramente detto il nome della via, perà ² me lo sono dimenticato. - They definitely told me the name of the street, but I forgot it. CONGIUNTIVO/SUBJUNCTIVE Il presente che io dica che noi diciamo che tu dica che voi diciate che lui, lei, Lei dica che essi, Loro dicano Esempi: Credo che lui dica la verit. - I believe heââ¬â¢s telling the truth.Qualsiasi cosa ti dicano, devi solo sorridere e annuire. - Whatever they tell you, youââ¬â¢ve just got to smile and nod. Il passato io abbia detto noi abbiamo detto tu abbia detto voi abbiate detto lui, lei, Lei abbia detto essi, Loro abbiano detto Esempi: Credo che abbia detto di chiamarsi Francesca, perà ² non sono sicura. - I think that she said her name is Francesca, but Iââ¬â¢m not sure.Dubito seriamente che abbia detto quello. - I seriously doubt that she said that. Lââ¬â¢imperfetto io dicessi noi dicessimo tu dicessi voi diceste lui, lei, Lei dicesse essi, Loro dicessero Esempi: Non pensavo che glielo dicesse! - I didnââ¬â¢t think he would tell it to her!E se ti dicessi che non ti amo pià ¹? - And what if I would tell you I donââ¬â¢t love you anymore? Il trapassato prossimo io avessi detto noi avessimo detto tu avessi detto voi aveste detto lui, lei, Lei avesse detto essi, Loro avessero detto Esempi: Pensavo che mi avesse detto che eri single. - I thought you had told me that you were single.Scusa se sbaglio, perà ² mi pareva che avessero detto di non riuscire a parlare italiano. - Sorry if Iââ¬â¢m wrong, but it seems to me that they said they werenââ¬â¢t able to speak Italian. CONDIZIONALE/CONDITIONAL Il presente io direi noi diremmo tu diresti voi direste lui, lei, Lei direbbe essi, Loro direbbero Esempi: Marco direbbe che sono pazza. - Marco would say that Iââ¬â¢m crazy.Direi che te la cavi benissimo. - I would say that youââ¬â¢re doing really well. Il passato io avrei detto noi avremmo detto tu avresti detto voi avreste detto lui, lei, Lei avrebbe detto essi, Loro avrebbero detto Mi ha promesso che lââ¬â¢avrebbe detto! - He promised me he would tell me.Maleducato? No, avrei detto un poââ¬â¢ scortese e basta. à - Rude? No, I would say a little unfriendly, thatââ¬â¢s it.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Employee Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Employee Performance - Essay Example The situation has not been this way for a long time; until the last century, their existed an autocratic organizational system where the word of the top management was considered the last word. Their existed an environment where no emphasis was paid on the rights on employees and their needs. In order to properly defend the statement, one needs to look into the reasons for these developments that have been mentioned in the statement. Post-modernism is a concept that is deep rooted in history and is one of the fundamental reasons of the development of the recent organizational structures, bureaucratic environments and empowered employees. A discussion regarding how modernism started would first require understanding what existed in the pre-modernist era. The need for post modernism has been rooted deep in the history of mankind. It was first used in 1914 to describe the changing mindsets of people against the society prevailing at that time. Then came in modernism which gave people an escape from the normality and let people question their beliefs and creativity was fostered. However, it gave rise to modernity or bureaucracy. Bureaucracy usually uses rules and guided procedures in order to accomplish their tasks and depend on the predictability of events. They give no space to the unpredictably of life. In management terms, this would mean that there is task continuity prevalent in organization practicing bureaucracy and people would be subjected to strict rules and norms, repeated preprogrammed tasks and would be provided with stable and probable environments where homogeneity exists between the goods and services offered. Post modernism was a reaction to the modernistic ideas. Post-modernism largely is defined by the age in which there was intellectual growth, cultural enhancement, and development of an artistic state without the boundaries and restrictions of the hierarchies( Frederick, 1984). Post modernism stated that there are no clear cut and defined lines to a central successful organizational principle. It negated the aristocratic or the central hierarchy system and paved way for a more people oriented idea to organization development. Development of post-modernism was a result of the changing times and environment as well. It helped in almost all the disciplines of modern era. Post-modernistic ideas helped in the development of architecture, law, culture and literature. It heavily influenced the marketing and management fields of science as well. The management scenario changed completely with the advent of this idea in the society (Tim, 1999). The main focus would be kept over management and marketing practices because of the topic at hand. Post-modernism can be best explained as an era where nothing is certain and nothing is impossible. There are endless possibilities waiting to be grasped and countless situations in which a man can find himself. However, it has its share of criticism as being meaningless when it came to evaluating mathematical structures. Many people also argue that the era we are living right now is the post-postmodern condition. GLOBALIZATION Globalization is another important factor that gave rise to the post-modern conditions of today. Globalization by definition is turning personalized or localized phenomena's into
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
IMMIGRATION AND ASSYLUM (UK) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
IMMIGRATION AND ASSYLUM (UK) - Essay Example ASYLUM PROCESS If Mr. Kibi is residing in UK and now if he fear returning to his home country because of his maltreatment which he will face in Eritrea he therefore qualifies as a refugee. He may be granted refugee status in the UK and on the basis of which he will be granted permission to remain in the UK for five years. After the completion of this period the person can still ask for UKââ¬â¢s protection and now this time he will be granted permanent stay in the UK. In order to meet the criteria as a refugee, Mr. Kibi needs to convince the authorities if he fulfills the definition of refugee, as written in the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. This definition entails that individual is required to demonstrate that he has a well founded fear of prosecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of social group or having specific political opinions about your former home country. The protection which is provided to a recognized refugee is called asyl um according to which the UK officials agree not to send you back to a country where you will be subjected to such persecution. The application procedure which Mr. Kibi can follow while residing in UK is to make application to the Home Office by attending an Asylum Screening Unit. These units are located in different areas of UK. It is essential for Mr. Kibi to contact a lawyer specializing in asylum law to assist him throughout the process. Mr. Kibi will be called for an in-depth interview after submitting the application. The interview will be conducted to inquire Mr. Kibi about the fear of persecution and he will also be provided a questionnaire which needs to be filled out as quickly as possible. Mr. Kibi will be required to give detailed statement about his fear of being persecuted and he will also be required to provide details about his persecution experiences that you have suffered in the past. Mr. Kibi will be required to provide objective information which can be presented to human rights organizations or to the press and various other media sources that can prove that the kind of persecution Mr. Kibi has experienced were against the human rights. Mr. Kibi solicitor can greatly help him in accessing this information. Mr. Kibi should provide information regarding his military service in 1997 and his involvement in the fight on front line at Bure in 1998. He should clearly explain that in 1999 he was detained for three days for refusing to obey commands and further in 2000 he unfortunately received an injury to his thigh whilst fighting and then he was hospitalized for three months. Mr. Kibi must mention in his application that in 2002 he was detained for two weeks when he inquired about his expenses and then in 2005 he was stationed near Adi Quala where he was again injured fighting. At this point he was sent for hospitalization for one year and from there he was moved to Keren where his time was assigned to work for military hospital and part time fo r military camp. In his interview with case owner, Mr. Kibi should also mention that in 2008 he wrote an article for criticizing the government on their attitude towards military members when they get injured during their service period. Now he should also clearly elaborate to his case owner during the interview that at this point, as a result of the above consequences Mr. Kibi felt that it is no
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Same Sex Marriage Essay Example for Free
Same Sex Marriage Essay Nancy Gill has been working for the American Postal office for almost 23 years but unlike other employees who can provide health benefits for their families, she cannot provide the same for her spouse because of one reason ââ¬â she is married to a woman. Gill and her spouse, Marcelle Letourneau were married in Massachusetts in 2004 and now, they are challenging the federal law Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA that ââ¬Å"defines marriage as a being between a man and a womanâ⬠(Seelye). The couple are backed up by Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders together with 15 other couples who also complained about DOMA. The same sex couples are fighting against DOMA because they claim that DOMA makes same sex marriage look very immoral. Also, it gives a big burden on same sex couples because ââ¬Å"ended up hurting such couples by making them pay twice for health insurance, for example, or denying them death benefitsâ⬠(Seelye). The Obama administration disagrees with DOMA but as of the moment, there is nothing drastic they can do about it because it is not unconstitutional. The issue here is not whether to allow same-sex marriage; five states and the District of Columbia have allowed it but it does not change the fact that couples in same sex marriages are left out of the benefits that the typical heterosexual couple receives. As one may notice, same sex marriages are not legal in all the parts of the United States. Only some states have approved of it and as of the moment, same sex marriages are not really prioritized by law as seen in the article. They are not given the same benefits as normal couples. Anthropology is useful in the subject of same sex marriage because the study of anthropology has documented the development of same sex marriage from all over the world. For example, it is only in some societies that same sex marriage is allowed such as Spain, Canada, the Netherlands and Belgium (Haviland et al, 20). Anthropology tells us that the development of same sex marriage is different depending on the society because ââ¬Å"it is human societies that define the boundaries of social relationshipsâ⬠(20). According to many feminist anthropologists, the reason why same sex marriage is not readily acceptable in the society of the United States is because the societys has allowed men to dictate on the womens sexuality and make rules for it (Lewin et al, 71). That kind of society is called patriarchal and in that society, men use sexuality as a tool to dominate and oppress women through sexual objectification (71). From the feminist perspective, sex, marriage and family were all tools used by men to limit women to heterosexuality and as a result, under the male power. Anthropologists point out how males dominate the females in many aspects of culture and society. Examples of these are ââ¬Å"arranged and child marriages, brideprice, foot-binding, purdah (the segregation of women from men typical in some Islam societies), veiling, the chastity belt, clitoridectomies, and female infanticideâ⬠(71-72). Practices like these are made by society to make sure that women are always paired up with men. That is how men dominate women in society through major and minor cultural and societal practices. Given this information, it is not a surprise as to why same sex couples are having a hard time attaining rights that are equal to the typical heterosexual marriage or marriage to the opposite sex. As stated above, DOMA dictates that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, not a union of two men or two women respectively. DOMA is a law created by the government, a patriarchal institution. The government patronizes heterosexual unions, which is a political institution in itself. Heterosexuality is a ââ¬Å"political union that makes women less powerfulâ⬠(71). Society goes by heterosexuality and dictates that women should always end up with men. The fact that there are more women nowadays who are open to same sex marriages is a threat to the political institutions because women, after all, can have the freedom to choose whether or not they would like to marry and who they will marry. This fact is unacceptable to society because it does not agree with the rules of societal relations that have been established. If one goes back to history, marriage in most cultures have always been known to be a union between a man and a woman. The union of two sexes is still highly unthinkable for many societies because in that union, most likely there is no more inequality between the two entities because they are of the same sex. Same sex marriage may be accepted in some states but it does not mean that it is warmly accepted. Life for same sex couples is still difficult because society sees it as a breaking away from the norms. Same sex unions are making progress in gaining acceptance but they still have a long way to go. After all, we are still governed by a patriarchal society. sWorks Cited Haviland, William et al. The Essence of Anthropology. California: Thomas Wadsworth, 2007. Lewin, Ellin Leap, William, eds. Out in Theory: The Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Anthropology. Illinois: University of Illinois, 2002. s Seelye, Katharine. ââ¬Å"Marriage Law is Challenged as Equaling Discrimination. â⬠New York Times,May 6, 2010. http://www. nytimes. com/2010/05/07/us/07doma. html. Accessed
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Frank Herbert and His Classic Novel, Dune Essay -- Frank Herbert Dune
Frank Herbert and His Classic Novel, Dune ââ¬Å"A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct.â⬠Princess Irulan speaks these words in the award-winning novel Dune (Novel). Frank Herbert knew this quote was true because he carefully planned his epic masterpiece before he started writing. The novel could only happen after research of a variety of topics. Dune has many different influences and origins. Frank Herbertââ¬â¢s complicated book, covering a variety of themes, took six years to complete (Wikipedia). Frank Herbert was born in Tacoma Washington on October 8, 1920. At an early age, he carried around books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells in a Boy Scout backpack. At the age of eight, he stood on the kitchen table and declared that he wanted to be an author. His maternal grandfather, John McCarthy, said that Frank, only a small child, was much smarter than his age. Frank was very similar to Lady Alia, a character in Dune. They both had the mind of an adult in a childââ¬â¢s body (Dunenovels). Herbert did not immediately become a writer, but started work in journalism. He lied about his age to work for the Glendale Star in 1939. He put his writing career on hold and joined the United States navy during World War II. He married Flora Parkinson in 1941 and divorced in 1945. Herbert fathered one daughter from this marriage (Wikipedia). After the war, Herbert met a young woman named Beverly Ann Stuart in a creative writing class at the University of Washington. Frankââ¬â¢s son, Brian, once said that Frank did not graduate from college because he did not want to take all of the required courses. He only wanted to take the classes that interested him. Herbert and Beverly, his fu... ...ls). The merging of various themes and cultures is part of what has made Dune so popular.The novel has been translated into more than twenty different languages and is constantly being reprinted. The many influences of Dune, including the Arabic words, the Islamic culture, and real ecological problems helped shape Dune into a timeless classic. Works Cited Herbert, Frank. Dune City of publication: Publisher, publication date DuneNovels. 10 Sep. 2004. 12 Sep. 2004 . Wikipedia. 12 Sep. 2004 . Oââ¬â¢Reilley, Tim. Frank Herbert. Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., Inc, 1981. Islamic Themes in Frank Herbertââ¬â¢s Dune. 12 Sep. 2004 . Sparknotes: Dune by Frank Herbert. Barnes & Noble12 Sep. 2004 .
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Distribution Strategy Essay
Introduction The core of this presentation is to discuss the theory of distribution strategy with the underlying real life examples of McDonaldââ¬â¢s fast-food restaurants in Australia. In other words, the aim is to discuss McDonaldââ¬â¢s distribution channel, the way this fast-food restaurant gets its products to the market. Nonetheless, this presentation will demonstrate that McDonaldââ¬â¢s distribution strategy is effective in many cultures. In the theory of marketing mix, place (distribution) determines where the product will be sold and how it will get there. In fact, McDonaldââ¬â¢s is the leading global foodservice retailer, with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving nearly 46 million people each day in 121 different countries. Approximately 80 percent of all McDonaldââ¬â¢s restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent franchisors. Furthermore, at the essence of place decisions, Kotler (et al., 2001, p. 513) claims that, ââ¬Å"retailers, particularly image fast foods chains often state their seven Pââ¬â¢s of marketing to be, that is location, location, location, location, location, location and location.â⬠Hence, a retailerââ¬â¢s location is the key to attracting customers. The costs of the building or leasing facilities is a major factor on the retailerââ¬â¢s profits. Thus, site location decisions are among the most important the retailer make (Kotler, et al., 2001, p. 513). Intensive Distribution On the other hand, McDonaldââ¬â¢s opened its first restaurant in Australia in December 1971. Today there are more than 690 restaurants throughout Australia and serving in excess of one million customers per day and employing over 55,000 staff. Therefore, you can find them everywhere in Australia, where some of the McDonaldââ¬â¢s are open 24 hours per day which satisfy peopleââ¬â¢s needs and wants, especially for exists their hunger. This kind of distribution strategy is called ââ¬Å"intensive distributionâ⬠, means marking the product available for sale through all possible channels of distribution. As defined by Kotler (et al., 2001, p. 487), ââ¬Å"intensive distribution is stocking the product in as many outlets as possible.â⬠In addition, this strategy must be designed to reach the consumer wants atà anytime and anywhere. Vertical marketing network (VMN) Furthermore, to quote Kotler (et al., 2001, p. 482), a franchise organization is ââ¬Å"a contractual vertical marketing network in which a channel member called a franchisor links several stages in production-distribution processâ⬠. McDonaldââ¬â¢s has adopted the service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise network, in which a service firm licenses a network of retailers to bring its service to consumers (Kotler, et al., 2001, p. 482). Nevertheless, McDonaldââ¬â¢s caters to a large consumer market with varying tastes and thus cannot afford to introduce products without familiarizing itself with provincial preferences in food. For this reason, McDonaldââ¬â¢s distributes its products in foreign locations with the help of franchisors who are well aware of what works in their country. Moreover, these franchisors also provide insight to the company on its diverse customers and helps McDonaldââ¬â¢s achieve its vision of ââ¬Å"being the worldââ¬â¢s best quick service restaurant experience.â⬠In brief, this is an extremely intelligent distribution method since it helps in providing people with the kind of products they desire, maintaining the franchise reputation worldwide. To encourage repeat customer visits, McDonaldââ¬â¢s are intensifying the efforts to ensure the restaurant interiors and exteriors are clean and welcoming. Moreover, McDonaldââ¬â¢s intends to regain the status as the gold standard for clean restaurants. Furthermore, McDonaldââ¬â¢s are giving the business a fresh edge in many places by rebuilding, renovating and re-imaging the restaurants. The experiences in Australia demonstrate that doing such can result in improved sales and profitability. McDonaldââ¬â¢s ensures consistent products by controlling every stage of the distribution. In addition, regional distribution centres purchase products and distribute them to individual restaurants. On the other hand, when designing its channels, a company needs to consider competitorsââ¬â¢ channels. Yet, it may want to compete in or close to the same outlets that carry competitorsââ¬â¢ products (Kotler, et al., 2001, p. 486). Thus, food companiesà want their brands to be displayed next to competing brands. Meanwhile, McDonaldââ¬â¢s adopted this setting channel objective as a view and therefore wants to locate near KFC. On the other hand, McDonaldââ¬â¢s uses essentially the same competitive strategy in every country as be the first in a market and establish the brand as rapidly as possible by advertising very heavily. However, the strategy has helped McDonaldââ¬â¢s develop a strong market share in the fast-food market around the world. Moreover, according to Kotler (et al., 2001, p. 513) store must have a planned atmosphere that suits the target market and moves customers to buy. In addition, McDonaldââ¬â¢s determine the locations for reaching a widely spread population. Hence, McDonaldââ¬â¢s are turning their stores into theatres that transport customers into unusual, exciting shopping environments that designed to meet the taste of target markets. For instance, McDonaldââ¬â¢s Blacktown is one of McDonaldââ¬â¢s Australiaââ¬â¢s newest restaurants, it has create a locate playgrounds for children to enjoy. Conclusion In conclusion, McDonaldââ¬â¢s improve the frequency of their deliveries, form relevant partnerships and implement alternate distribution strategies to effectively capture market and build international brand name based on hygienic, healthy, appetizing fast food consistently worldwide. Adopting market study and focusing on location of franchise, MacDonaldââ¬â¢s ensures market niche for food product distribution is a definite success story. References ââ" ª Kotler, P., Brown, K., Adam, S., & Armstrong, G., 2001, Marketing, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW ââ" ª http://www.mcdonalds.com
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Disneyland Resort Paris Case Study
I believe that managers should adapt the resort to more local cultures for the 15th Anniversary in 2007. Even if Disney adapts to the local culture there is still going to be a sense of the American Disney World in the theme. Disney has expanded to countries all over the world yet they cannot change the fact that the characters are the same wherever they go. There is always going to be a Winnie the Pooh and Lion King and cultures all over the world view the American made movies. However; like mentioned in the case, I believe that even though very little of Disneyââ¬â¢s core product needs adaptation, they must focus and change how they position and sell their product in each of the markets. To one market Mickey may mean something totally different to another. In order to be successful I believe that they do have to alter the way they do things from country to country and culture to culture. If they do not adapt to the local culture they could see more financial instability like they did in the past and they may see less people coming to their parks in Paris. One of the mistakes mentioned in the case was about how Disney did not serve alcohol in the park when it first opened and how they had to change that to meet the needs of their consumers and even this minor mess-up was not forgotten by the locals and it took them a long time to get over it. I think Disney could implement my suggestion by looking deeper into the cultures of the surrounding countries and the people who travel to the Paris park and research what they want and what would make their experience better. Also, look into their cultures and figure out how they like to do things. There are numerous countries and cultures that travel to Disneyland Paris and it is hard to get a grip on who the average consumer is and what they look like. This is where Disney really needs to meet the needs of numerous culture and people.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Write a Killer Cover Letter
How to Write a Killer Cover Letter You have a great resume, but that doesnââ¬â¢t always mean youââ¬â¢ll get the job. Imagine another candidate with an almost identical set of skills and experience. The trick to distinguishing yourself among comparable candidates is to set the tone with a terrific cover letter. It can really make the difference in making the final cut. Pitch It RightDonââ¬â¢t just write a cookie-cutter form letter addressed To Whom it May Concern and send it out with every inquiry. Tailor your letter for each application, making sure to think about the position and the company and the person who might be reviewing your application. The extra bit of work shows your thoughtfulness and also that youââ¬â¢re willing to go the extra mile to be professional and polished. Remember, hiring managers are hoping the next candidate they see will be the slam-dunk theyââ¬â¢re looking for. Why not make it easy on them?Talk Yourself UpImagine youââ¬â¢re a salesman with a briefcase full ofâ⬠¦ yours elf. Getting hired is really no different than peddling a product. Prove with your letter exactly why youââ¬â¢re the absolute best fit for the position and the company. And believe in what youââ¬â¢re selling. Show them you are exactly what they need.Talk NumbersDid you have massive success at a particular company or with a particular project? Donââ¬â¢t just say that, give the numbers. Percentages, rates, dollar amounts- these can pack a lot of ââ¬Å"wowâ⬠factor and grab the attention of the hiring manager.Take a little extra time to write your cover letterà withà these suggestions on your mind, and youââ¬â¢ll really start to see a difference in how many interviews you land. Itââ¬â¢s almost as good as being personally recommended, only youââ¬â¢re recommending yourself! Remember not to brag, but do your best to pitch yourself as the answer to all of their professional prayers.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Endothermic Reaction Examples
Endothermic Reaction Examples Heres a list of examples of endothermic reactions. You can use these when asked to cite an example or to get ideas to set up a demonstration of an endothermic reaction or process. Endothermic Reaction Definition An endothermic reaction is any chemical reaction that absorbs heat from its environment. The absorbed energy provides the activation energy for the reaction to occur. A hallmark of this type of reaction is that it feels cold. Endothermic Chemical Reactions A good example of an endothermic reaction includes dissolving a salt. It doesnt have to be table salt, nor does the solvent need to be water. The reaction of barium hydroxide octahydrate crystals with dry ammonium chlorideDissolving ammonium chloride in waterThe reaction of thionyl chloride (SOCl2) with cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrateMixing water and ammonium nitrateMixing water with potassium chlorideReacting ethanoic acid with sodium carbonatePhotosynthesis (chlorophyll is used to react carbon dioxide plus water plus energy to make glucose and oxygen) Endothermic Processes These examples could be written as chemical reactions, but are more generally considered to be endothermic or heat-absorbing processes: Melting ice cubesMelting solid saltsEvaporating liquid waterConverting frost to water vapor (melting, boiling, and evaporation, in general, are endothermic processesMaking an anhydrous salt from a hydrateForming a cation from an atom in the gas phaseSplitting a gas moleculeSeparating ion pairsCooking an eggBaking bread Endothermic and Endergonic An endothermic reaction is a type of endergonic reaction. However, not all endergonic reactions are endothermic. Endothermic reactions involve heat absorption. Other forms of energy which might be absorbed in an endergonic reaction include sound and light.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Debating Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Debating Globalisation - Essay Example Hong Kong is now the fourth largest city of China- after its accession with China- and also boasts as one of the liberal as well as transparent economic systems in the region. Parting with other economic regions of China, Hong Kong has now become one of the vibrant societies with lot of Western characteristics to share with other countries in the region. Similarly, China as a whole has also became probably the leading country in the world which is being economically integrated with the rest of the world due to sheer power of its economic strength and size. How these economies i.e. Hong Kong and India have integrated into the world economy and to what degree they are successful in integrating with the world economy is one of the questions, this research paper will attempt to discuss with the help of the relevant theories and data. Globalization In simplicity, globalization may be defined as the creation of a single market or the integration of world markets however, on the whole, defi ning the overall process of globalization is quite complex. ââ¬Å"Globalization can be conceived as a process (or set of processes) which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions, expressed in transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction and powerâ⬠(Held& Mcgraw, 1999). The above definition of globalization suggests that globalization is a process which is based upon the transformation of the social relations. However, this transformation or change takes place in different phases or stages and the subsequent integration of any given society through the process of globalization follows this phased process. The first stage of integration comes when the political, economic as well as the social ideas are stretched followed by the intensification of the interconnectedness between the investment, trade and other variables. The third stage comes when this overall process of integration speeds up this interconnectedness with the world economies due to the rapid transformation in the communication technologies. In the final phase, this growing degree of the integration creates the so called deepening impact on the social and economic aspects of the societies which have gradually been integrated with the world economy or the markets. it is also important to note that the globalization, is also associated with the slow and gradual vanishing of the State and its role in managing the markets specially. It advocates the emergence of borderless world and often claims to end the sovereignty of the State and the economies. What is also significant to note that it has also been associated with the Westernization of the different societies? It is generally believed that the process of globalization will result into the Westernization of the societies and the ideologies of Western countries specially US will gradually take over other societies. It simply means that the value system of Americ a will eventually take over the values and belief systems of other countries and societies. Measurement of globalization Globalization and its impact on any given society is measured with the help of different measures which typically outline the overall degree of integration of any given economy in the world economy. These factors include: Flows: Flows
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